Saturday, January 9, 2010

Jan 8 2010 365 Day Challenge

Well, I know this didn't get posted last night but I did get my camera out during the day and take a few photos. The challenge suggestion was something that makes you laugh. Yesterday I actually had a few things that made me laugh but not really something I was able to snag a photo of in the moment. It was a busy day with work, then drive to PA then visit my grandfather and then off to see my niece at her basketball practice and then back home again! Since I did so much yesterday, today will be rewarded with doing nothing....well hopefully nothing more than scrapbooking related stuff lol. (I really want to try and make an overlay for my photos to designate them for the challenge.)

So, my photo of the day has to do with snow. Not the mounds of snow a lot of places have gotten (although I wish we had!) but the individual flakes that fall. When I was leaving work yesterday, the snow was blowing all around. It wasn't the kind that sticks (everything else was too warm) but it was pretty to watch and as I sat in my car letting it warm up I noticed the little flakes landing on my window and thought "What a cool photo that would be." So here is what I got:

Today has started off well with some Saturday morning Beverly Hills 90210 which is always a nice start....we will see where the rest of the day goes!!


  1. That is a cool photo! I gotta try that one day (would require snow LOL)

  2. Colleen,I just got to catch up on all your photo posts - how fun!! I really think this is an awesome idea, I'm gonna check out the link that you posted and see what it's all about! :)

  3. I just realized I had comments here! I guess I need to change my settings. Glad you guys liked this-I am going to try and get back on track and "back-post" soon!! Thanks for checking it out!
